From Redsox at UHD:
02/13/09 update
Hello Fellow Rangers,
Epix Update: As you all know Artzy lady received an email from Epix that they are exploring putting Jericho on epix.
UHD Board Link:
We need everyone to send an email, a letter and card. K6 has made a great post card you can download at UHD.
epix Email:
epix Website:
Mark Greenberg, President and CEO
1515 Broadway
New York, NY 10036
Also we need to get everyone who is on Facebook to get onto epix Facebook page
epix FaceBook Link:
Many have asked why epix, besides their positive email feedback, they are a partnership that will be looking towards CBS Paramount for sources of programming. We need everyone in the Fandum form IDMB to RFJ, JKI, JNET, every blog, the UHD and Sci Fi Boards working together as we have in the past to deliver as many emails and letters/cards as possible to help find Jericho a new Home